Tuesday, August 12, 2008

An End of Days and The Sun is On the Cross

It is like a large check mark on the calendar, a pointer aimed at, the "End Date" of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. From the Mayan point of view, this is the "End of Days." It is so significant that the calendar just comes to a stop. It is like having an alarm set when it's time to take your medicine. This date is also December 21, 2012, the day of the Winter Solstice. But what is this check mark trying to tell us. What medicine are we suppose to remember to take? The Mayan calendar was started in 3113 BC. But, most of the documents that could tell us what this calendar was for were destroyed long ago. In Mesoamerica, South America and on Easter Island, zealot priests destroyed almost all the written documents. Before that the library at Alexandria in Egypt was distorted by fire, several times. Almost all ancient history books in China were destroyed on the order of a dying emperor. Someone does not seem to want us to know where we come from or where we are going. Yet not all was lost. Writings on stone, lost to the world when the past was being destroyed, have since been found. In Mesopotamia were found thousands of clay tablets. On these tablets is the description of a society in which the government, economy and religion was controlled by one organization. This organization is a family of fallen gods . In Mesoamerica, the writings are on the temples, altars and other stone structures. Even better, in Mesoamerica, there still live the descendants of these ancient people. There are those that still follow the ancient ways. So here we are. Someone put this big check mark on the calendar. If there was a note telling us what the mark is for, it was destroyed with most of the history of the ancient world. So what is one to do? Look for clues.

One Morning A Baktun Ago

It is December 14 of the year 1603 and the Sun rises into the morning sky as Venus comes out from behind the Sun. Both are near the center of the Milky Way, near where the ecliptic and the galactic equator cross. The Maya put much importance on this celestial crossing. It appears on the sarcophagus lid at Palenque. A baktun from now the winter solstice Sun will stand on this galactic crossing, an event that happens once every 25,920 years. This is the event that the check mark on the calendar seems to point to. But why is this of any importance?

Venus does an interesting dance with the Sun as they twirl their way across the sky. Venus rushes past the Sun as it moves into the morning sky. Over the next 589 days Venus first rises above the Sun. It then pauses for a bit and slowly follows the Sun. It then passes behind the Sun and moves into the evening sky. Venus climes high into the evening sky as is follows the Sun to the horizon each night. After hanging above the Sun for a bit Venus plunges back into the morning sky. Venus and the Sun do this dance almost exactly five times in eight years. Venus passes across the face of the Sun on a longer cycle. There are two transits eight years apart every 113.5 and 129.5 years alternately . We are now, as we approach the "End of Days," in a time of these transits;, June 8, 2004 and, June 5, 2012. The Maya followed the movements of Venus with great care. Many ancient societies build great stone observatories to keep track of what the sky was doing. These great civil engineering projects were very expensive for the people that built them. Knowing the sky must have been very important to them. Ancient documents advise us to look for "Signs in the Sky. " Should not the sky be as important to us? This may be where we find the message that tells us what the mark on the calendar is for. Above the Sun and Venus on this December day in 1603 are Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn as well as a red super giant star named Anteres. In the west Orion and Sirius have slipped below the horizon. These are be the lead players in a celestial drama. The constellations of the Zodiac are the stage setting. We are invited to a performance of the "Theater of Millions of Years." In just 409 years these players will act in another chapter of this drama, a wedding procession to announce the beginning of a new age.

Yet Another Clue

Now back to the present and the web page is titled "Why 2012?". This page proposes a conjunction as the key to the December 21, 2012 "End Date." This conjunction is the location of the sun at the time of the winter solstice with respect to the cross formed by the galactic equator and the ecliptic. This crossing point has meaning in the Mayan tradition. The claim is that this will be the closest the solstice occurs to this Cross for many years.

Any claim such as this deserves to be verified. To this end, I went looking for the times of the solstices. An on-line almanac gave solstices for the years 2000 and 2001. Using Red Shift 4 the distance from the sun, at the time of the solstice, to the cross was measured. This first pass, done too quickly, seemed to show the distance diminishing between these two years. Encouraged, a new search was launched for more data on the winter solstice. The years 1992 through 2005 were found on an astrology page.

Editorial Note: It turns out that Red Shift 4 has a wandering galactic equator and center. The galactic equator and center are as fixed as the stars. All references to the galactic equator and center in the first edition of this document are meaningless. That is, the arguments justifying the story based on the conjunctions are not valid. In that these errors pointed to parts of the story that might have otherwise have been missed, there is meaning in the meaningless. After some testing it has been found that Red Shift and Starry Night agree nicely on the positioning of the stars and planets.


Where is the Center of the Galaxy?

It is said that there is a black hole at the center of the galaxy. We, on the other hand, are out toward the edge of the visible galaxy. It is estimated that we revolve around the center of the galaxy once in about two-hundred million years. There is so much galaxy between us and the center that it can not be seen. To the right is an image from the web site of the Astronomy Program, Department of Physics and Astronomy of The University of Alabama. This site explains the sky in the direction of the galactic center.

The World Cross or World Tree is where the ecliptic, the path of the Sun in the sky, and the galactic equator cross near the center of the galaxy. This Tree is seen in Mayan art, most famously, on the sarcophagus lid at Palenque. This tree is in the background, behind the goddess, in Card Number XVII of the Tarot, The Star.

The lower image to the right is a Starry Night rendering of the sky in the vicinity of this cross. The labeling and placement of the galactic center are my own. The placement of the galactic equator is part of the Starry Night program. It seems to agree with the University information.

I have recently read that the figure in the trunk of the tree on the Palenque lid is a Mayan water goddess rather than the tomb's occupant, Pascal. The World Tree is also the Tree of Life and as we look at the galactic center we are looking in the direction of life in the galaxy. Each star in this mist of billions of stars is home to billions of individuals like ourselves. This is a galaxy teaming with life.

There is no reasion to believe that modern atronomy knows more about the geometry of the Galaxy than did the Maya of old, I am just more accustom to it.. And counting years in the stories of millennia is akin to measuring with a micrometer, marking with a crayon and cutting with a chain saw. The stage is set. The play is now.

Where is the Sun this Year?

Now that we have a stable galactic equator in the Starry Night astronomy program, what can we tell about the conjunction with the winter solstice. Using solstice information for the years 1992 to 2020 from the US Naval Observatory the distance of the winter solstice and the World Tree was measured. The years 1992 through 2000 and 2012 are shown in the table to the right. It is 1997 that the conjunction is the closest. But in a 25,920 year cycle we can certainly say we are in the era of this conjunction. There is a one hundred and forty year period centered on 1997 that the Sun crosses the galactic equator on the day of the solstice.

It is said by some that Jesus of Nazareth was really born in 4 BC. If this is the case 1997 would be the first year of the third millennium after the birth of Jesus.

4' 38"
3' 38"
2' 49"
2' 01"
1' 16"
0' 23"
0' 29"
2' 07"
12' 08"..

The Sky on December 21, 2012

The check mark is on the calendar and we are asked to look for "Signs in the Sky." So, what does the sky look like on December 21 2012? Before the what can be answered the where must be found. When I was first starting the research on this "End of Days" my astronomy program was Red Shift 4. By default, Red Shift was set to show the sky at my residence. So my first look at the sky on this wondrous morning was from The City of the Sacrament. .. At the solstice, Saturn is just above the horizon. By five thirty Venus is on the horizon and the Sun is on the cross. Although the exact center of the Sun is not on the exact point of crossing of the galactic equator and the ecliptic, this intersection is behind the disk if the Sun. To the left of the Sun is the Trifid Nebula and the Lagoon Nebula is below. I wonder if the people that live there call it that. The Sun, Venus and the Cross are strong Mayan symbology. As the morning progresses the sky begins to lighten Venus fades. The Maya used this heliacal rising to keep track of the Venus cycles.

But what is all this Mayan symbology doing almost three thousand miles from the Mayan homeland. From my atlas I got the coordinates of the Yucatan and entered them into the Red Shift location window. The Sun and Venus are well above the horizon. This is no good. This great Mayan event can't even be seen from the Mayan homeland. On the other hand, these ancient gods were all over the planet. And there must be many mythologies involved in this story. After all, this story is for all of us. With Venus on the horizon and the Sun stationary in the Milky Way, a path
was traced around the world to see if there was a better location to see this story unfold. There is a locus of locations from which this sky configuration is available for observation. This locus pretty much circles the globe. But, between mid Canada and the South Pacific. the Sun has yet to rise and Venus can be seen on the horizon. It is at the confluence of the River of the Sacrament and the River of the Land of Milk and Honey that this conjunction is first seen. Only from here does Venus rise so the line of observation is looking across the Mayan homeland in the Yucatan. About seven minuets later, on the other side of the world, in bright sunlight, with the Sun following Venus to the horizon, this conjunction is gone.

All this Mayan imagery rising, coming to life if you will, on the morning of the "End Date" of the Mayan calendar..

And in the West?

In the west Sirius and Orion, two key Egyptian icons are setting, passing into the Underworld.

It is the morning of, what else could this day possibly bring us?

A New Sun

In the British Museum is a small clay tablet, BM 86378. This tablet is a star list written in cuneiform by an ancient scribe. One star is listed as a giant star at the edge of the Vela constellation. In that there is no such star there now, this must have been a temporary star.

There is at this location a pulsar, PSR 0833-45, near the constellation Vela in the southern sky. A Pulsar is one object that can be left after a star explodes. Estimates of the age of this pulsar allow it to be as young as 10,000 years. This would be about the time Jericho was established, well within the time frame for a Sumerian scribe to list the supernova in his star list. It is said that this star will shine again. Another supernova?

Just a little over six degrees below and rising with Venus on December 21, 2012 is Antares, a red super giant just 604 light years away. If this star were to supernova as it came up with Venus, it would be as though a new Sun had been born. The Sun God would have a Twin.

Magnetic Somersaults

In the first quarter of 2001, the Sun switched magnetic poles. This occurs every eleven years. Prior to this the Sun's north magnetic pole was at the north rotational pole. Now the Sun's north magnetic pole is at its south pole. Since opposite poles attract, the magnetic poles of the Earth and Sun are now at their most stable.

Just about the time of 2012 Winter Solstice, the Sun's poles will switch back. During this switch there will be a tendency for the Sun's magnetic field to pull the Earth's field with it.

If the Earth's magnetic poles switch, this would put stress on the planet aggravating earthquakes and volcanos, not to mention destruction of the electrical power distribution grid. And, if the switch happens fast enough don't ever expect your computer to work again. But if you have old tube type equipment, keep it. It should survive just fine. It will work if you can find electricity

Location, Location, Location

The confluence of the River of the Sacrament and the River of the Land of Milk and Honey is near the center of a great valley. These rivers, one from the north and one from the east, join at the northeast corner of a river delta. A third river flows into this delta from the south.

In the mountains that surround the valley are great timbers and fine stone for the building of temples. The valley will provide food for the staff of a large temple complex.

From the City of the Sacrament, flowing first south and then west, the River of the Sacrament will carry many large boats. This river empties into a sheltered bay.

Sitting on a blunt peninsula, surrounded on two sides by the river delta and the bay, stands Devil Mountain as though this was all an arrowhead pointing the way.

From the point of view of the Sumer described by Zecharia Sitchin, this mountain would serve as a beacon for a spaceport as did Mount Ararat in ancient Mesopotamia.

For this spaceport, the glide path is across the southern tip of Africa; along the northeast coast of South America; across the Mayan homeland and into the Valley of the Sacrament.

The only down side to this valley is an infestation of sentient simians. Civilized Man, acting a very uncivilized tenant, has trashed much of it. But, the extra Sun for a few months will heat up the oceans and bring more rain. The rain will flush out the delta and heal the damage to dead have done.

And there are still sufficient timbers to get the temple complex started. There are stones in the mountains to the east that, if lifted as a single piece and set in place at the confluence of the two rivers, would make a great temple platform.

Looking Across the Maya .

A Story Told in the Sky

As seen from the City of the Sacrament on, Saturn is on the horizon when the Sun is on the solstice. Saturn, said to be a god of fertility, also associated with Satan, is the god for which Saturday is named. He has held many jobs in the council of gods. This morning he has been tasked to be the Herald and lead a wedding procession. Saturn drags behind him the spent scales of Judgment, the constellation Libra. The judgment now over, Libra will be the symbol of Justice in a new age of Peace and Harmony, the Age of the Matriarch.

Libra has cleared the horizon at five and a half hours after midnight. In the west Jupiter the Mighty, is riding Taurus the Bull. He stands guard over the remnants of a dying age. Jupiter stands between the wedding party and Orion, the celestial symbol of Man. Orion's legs are below the horizon with his belt just above. The Age of the Patriarch is coming to an end as he sinks below the horizon and enters the Underworld for the last time. Behind Orion is his consort Sirius going to the Underworld with him.

In the East Venus is on the horizon. Venus, symbolic of war to the Maya, was the Greek goddess of love. As Inanna, her Sumerian persona, she started as a goddess of love and purity, but in the end her behavior was more lustful than loving. Also she took up the art of war and became known as a goddess of war. So here is a universal symbol of destruction, both social and personal, rising just above the celestial symbol for the God of Peace, Antares. Ares, the Roman god of war is opposed by Antares, the rival of War.

Venus is now cast in the roll of the BrideGroom. At the same time, still out of sight below the horizon, the Sun is on the galactic equator. The Sun is now playing the role of the Bride. She bathes in the pure waters of the galactic river. As the BrideGroom did before her, she washes away the quilt and lust that comes from judgment. Once cleansed she will rise to wed the One Who Grooms the Bride, the Earthly Father.

Antares is one of three red super giant stars that are the likely to supernova. One of the others is Betelgeuse, Orion's right shoulder. A supernova of Betelgeuse on this morning would be symbolic of the disarming of Orion, taking away his sward arm. With the warrior, the one who makes war gone, there is no need for opposition to war. It is too much to ask that the hundreds of billions of people living around these two stars give up their lives to get a message to us. But, if it is destiny for both of these red giant stars to supernova at the same time, the symbology of such an occurrence on this morning would be overwhelming.

Below Venus is the messenger Mercury. He comes to announce the Bride. Below the Bride are the other members of the wedding party. By order of their appearance they are Pluto, Mars, Neptune and Uranus. At the end of this procession is the most ancient symbol of sin. The Moon is the symbol of the Sumerian Moon God Nanna-Suen, also known as Sin. The Temple of the Moon was in Ur, now an ancient ruin in southern Iraq.

Sin was conceived before mankind was created when his father, Enlil, Lord Air, raped Sin's mother, Ninlil, Lady Air, on their first date. When it comes to sin you can't get much more original than a god raping a goddess. But by the end of this new age the Moon will have returned to its rightful job as symbol of the mother. It will set the rhythm of the reproductive cycle. The Sun will have returned to its job as symbol of the Universal Creator, the Light that shines in all of us. The Heavenly Father will have left the Earth and returned to the heavens to fulfill his mission as protector of the womb.

When Orion rises again, just after sunset, it will be symbolic of a cooking hearth. The left most star in the belt and the two knee stars are now the three stones of the cooking hearth and the Orion Nebula is the fire. The Maya see this in these stars of Orion and pattern their traditional hearth after it. The Bride is now tired after the first day of this long wedding festival. She returns to the hearth. The Matriarch is home.

In the spring of 2013, this is a spring wedding after all, the Bride, the Sun and the BrideGroom, Venus rise together as they say their wedding vows. In the late spring of 2016, just weeks before the summer solstice, the BrideGroom enters the Bride. Venus goes behind the Sun and passes very close to its center. They mate and conceive. The happy couple is due in 5616, give or take a century or two.

Reserve your seats now for this one time only performance by the Theater of Millions of Years.

Editorial Note: In the above it is said that the judgment is over as Saturn rises on December 21, 2012. There is another option. One of the ancient documents suggests there is to be three and a half years of "tribulation." This would be the period of judgment. For this to be over on December 21, 2012, the tribulation needs to start in June of 2009. The other option is that the time between the start of the wedding procession and the mating, a period of three and a half years, is the time for getting the house in order for the pregnancy. I have mixed felling about the two possibilities. The three and a half years of social turbulence we will have to go through is not going to be much fun for anyone. So from a personal point of view I would like to delay it as long as possible. On the other hand, the world we live in now is not much fun for most of us. Since nothing of the Creator is ever lost, the sooner we take our medicine the better. We have no choice in the matter. It will happen when it happens. Our mission is to share what we have with those in around us and bring as much joy and happiness into the world as we can.

A Caution!

The relative positions of the celestial objects are all measured with Red Shift 4 and Starry Night. So the accuracy of the calculated positions is dependent on how well Red Shift and Starry Night give a true representation of the sky. As noted above, the galactic equator in Red Shift 4 is unreliable. This all started trying to verify calculation done by EZCosmos. Distant Suns, was used here prior to Red Shift and Starry Night. The Mayan Morning as seen in Distant Suns has Venus on the horizon at 5:33 am. There is no galactic equator in Distant Suns.

In Distant Suns
Until shown otherwise, it will be assumed that Starry Night, being the most recent, is also the most accurate. And, even if timings are a little different, both Starry Night, Red Shift and Distant Suns show the same sky configuration.

For the Kids
Find the God on Venus

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